Past Events

LACC Colorado Chapter Event – April 16, 2024

Screening of the Movie ‘Soviet Milk’

Earlier in April Latvian Culture Center of Colorado and Colorado Chapter of Latvian American Chamber of Commerce hosted the author Nora Iksena and producer Inara Kolmane for a private screening of the award-nominated Latvian movie ‘Soviet Milk’ in the prestigious Sie FilmCenter Denver. Ms. Iksena and Ms. Kolmane shared their perspectives and behind-the-scenes insights with us. Their presence truly made the event unforgettable!

With around 90 attendees, it was an evening filled with thought-provoking discussions and a deep dive into the themes and inspirations behind the film.

A big thank you to all who came out to support Latvian cinema and engage in meaningful dialogue. Stay tuned for more exciting events coming your way!

Check our Board Co-President Janis Bergs blog post(in Latvian) about organizing this event.


Q&A Panel Discussion Following the Movie Screening
About 90 attendees who came to the event
Networking after the Movie at the SieFilm Center Denver

LACC Massachusetts Chapter Event – March 27, 2024

The LACC Boston chapter had our first 2024 event on March 27. We had about 10 members and friends in attendance and our main goal was to discuss our approach for the future events, topics of interest to discuss and agree to the meeting cadence that works best for the group. Lauris Lambergs also provided a quick overview of the main events the LACC is planning nationally for 2024-2025, including a quick update on the next Spotlight on Latvia conference. It was a mix of introductions, social time and discussing how this group would like engage and promote the Latvian-American business interests. 

LACC San Diego Chapter Event – 9. November, 2023

The San Diego, CA Chapter of the Latvian American Chamber of Commerce (LACC) held a “Self Realization and Professional Success” seminar and networking event on November 9, 2023 at the Law offices of Jacob J Sapochnick. 

The guest speaker was Signe Dauskane Platace, who is a professional business and personal coach –

The event was attended by different professionals such as real estate brokers, IT professionals, notary, legal professionals, business entrepreneurs, health care professionals.

During the event various topics were discussed: meaning of success, individual struggles and challenges, success in the eyes of different generations.  At the end of the event, there was a nice opportunity to network.




LACC Chicago Chapter Event – 19. January, 2023

The Chicago Chapter of the Latvian American Chamber of Commerce (LACC) held our first Business Networking Happy Hour of the year on Thursday January 19th, 2023 at Happy Camper located in Wrigleyville (3458 N Clark Street).  We celebrated and honored the re-appointment of Roberts Blumbergs Esq. to the role of Honorary Consul for The Republic of Latvia in Chicago.  The group of 16 attendees enjoyed gourmet pizzas with cold pints of beer as Honorary Consul Blumberg shared his plans for the future.   


LACC Colorado Chapter Event – 19. September, 2023

LACC Colorado Chapter event on September 19th, 2023


We were privileged to host an enlightening event featuring esteemed guests from the Climate and Energy Ministry of Latvia, and Latvenergo. On September 19th, 2023, in the welcoming atmosphere of CU Denver, we had the pleasure of welcoming Ivars Golsts, Aigars Laizans, Martins Cakste, and Liga Rozentale who shared their valuable insights with a group of twenty-three attendees.

The event centered around an engaging presentation that delved into critical energy challenges stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The discussion highlighted the far-reaching impacts of geopolitical events on the energy landscape and underscored the importance of energy security and resilience in today’s world.

Our distinguished guests also provided a glimpse into Latvia’s ambitious plans for the future, particularly regarding renewable energy and storage solutions harnessed from wind and solar sources. Their insights shed light on the nation’s commitment to sustainability and the pivotal role it aims to play in the global transition to clean energy.

The event fostered a vibrant exchange of ideas and perspectives, allowing attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the complex energy dynamics at play in the Baltic region. It served as a platform for meaningful discussions and networking opportunities, enabling participants to connect with like-minded individuals passionate about energy and sustainability.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Energy Executives of the Climate and Energy Ministry of Latvia and Latvenergo representatives for gracing us with their presence and sharing their expertise. We also thank our attendees for their active participation and enthusiasm, which contributed to the success of this event.

As we reflect on this enlightening evening, we look forward to future opportunities to convene and explore the ever-evolving landscape of energy challenges and solutions. Together, we continue to pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient energy future.

LACC Sanāksme San Diego – 28. Aprīlī

LACC – Latvian American Chamber of Commerce ir sabiedriska organizācija, kas vieno ar Latviju saistītus profesionāļus gan dzīvojušus Latvijā, gan ASV. LACC mērķis ir vecināt bisnesa un Profesionāļu apmainu.

LACC ir vairākas pārstāvniecības ASV: Denverā, CO, Chicago, IL, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Šogad notika pirmais LACC pasākums San Diego, Kalifornijā. Pasākums notika 29 Aprīlī. Pasākumu apmeklēja gandrīz 20 cilvēki.

Profesionāļi bija no vairākām darbības jomām: juridiskā, finanšu, IT, nekustamā īpašuma, tirdzniecības, veselības joma etc.

Mūsu mērķis bija pulcināt latviešu profesionālus kas dzīvo Dienvid Kalifornijā, kā arī veicināt biznesa kontaktus un profesionālu pieredzes apmainu. Tika aicināti cilvēki, ne tikai no San Diego, bet arī no Orange County, Riverside County.

Bija uzaicināts arī viesis: Lauris Lambergs,kurš ir Co-President un LACC Regional Director Massachusetts. Lauris ir Co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Renaissance Wealth Advisors, LLC, an independent advisory firm based in Boston.

Šajā pasākumā tika apspriestas vietējās biedru intereses un tika apspriesti nākotnes pasākumi LACC San Diego.

Mēs plānojam rīkot vismaz 3 pasākumus gadā, un šie pasākumi tiks izziņoti, e-pastā un tiks publicēti sociālos tiklos. Mēs ļoti ceram, ka piedalīsies ar vien vairāk Latvieši, kas dzīvo Dienvid -Kalifornijā, jo te ir tik daudz veiksmīgu un darbīgu cilvēku.


LACC Tri-State [NY-NJ-CT] Region meeting in New York City – April 13, 2023

On April 13, 2023, the Tri-State Region of the LACC held its inaugural meeting at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Latvia to the United Nations in New York City. Seventeen [17] businesspeople and professionals convened at the Latvian UN to participate. It is interesting to note that an Estonian American businessperson from NYC … Read more