On June 19th, 2021 after long year finally Latvian American Chamber of Commerce Colorado Chapter members and friends could finally meet in person. Event took a place in Lakewood, Colorado. Aivars Ziedins – to be elected Honorary Consul of Latvia in Colorado had a spectacular presentation. He as an entrepreneur, successful business and financial consultant reflected on his 40 plus years as an advisor to small businesses and individuals. Mr. Ziedins was discussing ups and downs of being in business and gave some advice on some basic concepts in business that he learned the hard way. Persistence is the key to success. We as Latvians have one very good trade which is stubbornness. During Aivars Ziedins presentation guests were curious about becoming LACC members and to be involved in Latvian American community. This event included Latvia’s most celebrated event Summer Solstice. All of 46 guests brought home cooked dishes. During this special celebration guests were making flower reefs, jumping across bonfire and enjoying Colorado summer night. It was even raining for a moment like it should be in real Jani day!